Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I recently learned about hex maps and i was really wanted to build a data visualization with them. Getting the dataset was a very manual process because i had to actually find a dataset for thanksgiving recipes. I was able to find information from food network (They have really good recipes so i had to make sure i was focused on the task at hand 😀 ). I ended up making a custom csv file with information from the webpage about each state. Building out this dataset actually took the most time through the entire process.
Once i got the dataset to a good place then i was ready to work on the #dataviz. I was able to leverage this blog https://www.sirvizalot.com/2015/11/hex-tile-maps-in-tableau.html and i used this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-_RQp0Mys8 in order to help with creating the final product.
I like how this dataviz came out and i learned some fascinating about people eating habits in this country :-D.
I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving weekend, and do not forget to chew your food completely!
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