Tableau LODs converted into Power BI – Part 2

Hello everyone!

This is part 2 of my Tableau LODs to Power BI Series. Click here to go to Part 1 of the series. Let’s get into it!

Find Min/Max in a Time Series

The goal is to display the min and max of a time series.

SQLBI.Com has a fantastic blog post on the method that I used to solve this. The key DAX functions that are being used are CALCULATETABLE, MINX, and MAXX. If you’re familiar with T-SQL and Subqueries then you “should” be able to follow what CALCULATETABLE and ADDCOLUMNS are doing. I also created a Calculated Column called “Order Month and Year” in order to get the dates in the MMM-YYYY format. This is very bad practice because you would typically use a date table in Power BI, but most tableau users aren’t used to using a date table so I decided to go this route. I used a line chart in Power BI and used the this DAX equation as a secondary value.

TableauPower BI
Min Value
// Minimum total sales for a given month
{FIXED : MIN({FIXED DATETRUNC(‘month’, [Order Date]) : SUM([Sales])})}

Max Value
// Maximum total sales for a given month
{FIXED MAX({FIXED DATETRUNC(‘month’, [Order Date]) : SUM([Sales])})}

Min or Max Sales
// Find a point for the min and max sales.
IF  SUM([Sales]) = MIN([Min Value]) OR SUM([Sales]) = MAX([Max Value]) THEN

MinMax =
VAR Vals =
SUMMARIZE ( Orders, Orders[Order Month and Year]),
“@SalesAmt”, [Total Sales]

VAR MinValue = MINX ( Vals, [@SalesAmt] )
VAR MaxValue = MAXX ( Vals, [@SalesAmt] )
VAR CurrentValue = [Total Sales]
VAR Result =
CurrentValue = MinValue, [Total Sales], — 1 for MIN
CurrentValue = MaxValue, [Total Sales] — 2 for MAX


Power BI

Calculate The Mode

The mode of a set of numbers is the one that appears most frequently. The goal is determine with value has the most appearances.

TableauPower BI
8. Quantity Appearances =

var __slicer = SELECTEDVALUE(Orders[Sub-Category])


ALLEXCEPT(Orders,Orders[Quantity] )
,Orders[Sub-Category] = __slicer
Max Appearances
// Get the max appearances of a given quantity.
{FIXED MAX({FIXED [Quantity]: SUM([Number of Records])})}

8. Max Appearances =
var __slicer = SELECTEDVALUE(Orders[Sub-Category])

CALCULATE(MAXX(Orders,[8. Quantity Appearances]),
Orders[Sub-Category] = __slicer
Is Mode?
// Is this number the mode?
// Note: Could be multiple modes.
IF {FIXED [Quantity]: SUM([Number of Records])} = [Max Appearances] THEN
Is Mode =
([8. Quantity Appearances] = [8. Max Appearances],

Compare Subset to Superset

In this example are comparing a subset to the entire set. We are want to see what the average sales are by state in comparison to the national average. In this example I leveraged the FORMAT and ABS variables to get the format I wanted. I also used the unichar characters in my switch statement in order to the get the arrows. This is a very fast solution and probably isn’t best practice but I wanted to test out my DAX versatility.

TableauPower BI
National Average Sales
// Average sales amount for the entire country.
{FIXED [Country/Region]: AVG([Sales])}
14. National Average Sales =
14. Average Sales from Variance =
VAR __variance =
    AVERAGE ( Orders[Sales] ) – [14. National Average Sales]
VAR __kpi =
    SWITCH TRUE (), 
__variance < 0, UNICHAR ( 11205 ), 
UNICHAR ( 11206 ) )
    FORMAT ABS __variance ), “$#,###” ) & ” “ & __kpi