Hello everyone!
So for my viz of the month i decided to go with a Christmas theme. I found the dataset from an old #MondayMakeover in 2017 and decided to recreate it http://www.makeovermonday.co.uk/week-52/
This was a pretty easy dataviz to create and while doing some digging i found a way to create a Christmas tree in tableau which was alot of fun! You can find the video i used here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C347BToQLVk

Below is a video of the Christmas tree lights in action! I was pretty bummed when i learned that Tableau Public does not allow for pages to be played so the effect is not the same when you’re viewing this viz from tableau public. I usually try and stay away from the green and red color scheme, but it was Christmas so i decided to go with it. A stacked bar chart seemed to be the easiest and i decided to show an emphasis of the growth from 2004 in comparison to 2017. Each chart has a tooltip so the capability to view sales by year is there.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a happy new year!